Monday, April 30, 2012

Weather Fronts/Systems

So before I start this, i'm going to describe the different kinds of front types. There are two different words used within meteorology to describe weather around a frontal zone.

Cold fronts ; Cold fronts can produce sharper changes in weather and move up to twice as quickly as warm fronts, since cold air is denser than warm air and rapidly replaces the warm air preceding the boundary.

Warm fronts; Warm fronts are at the leading edge of warm air mass, which is located on the equator,  and lie within low pressure than cold fronts. A warm front moves more slowly than the cold front which usually follows because cold air is denser and harder to remove from the Earth's surface.

So predicting weather with the weather fronts shows the different air masses, hot & cold, dry & wet, it shows the different masses that go around.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stories of Global Warming

Site where i read about global warming -

I dont know if this is real or not but it just shows how the glaciers are melting, and we're the cause of this, we could easily prevent this situation.
In this picture it just shows how we're polluting our own enviornment. People complain but really we're the main reason this is happening through everyday things we do, driving, work, everything.
In this picture, it shows the polar bear just chillin' on the ice glacier where its just water in the background, nothing else. It shows that the glaciers are slowly starting to melt leading to most animals in the artic, etc to die, or get eaten by the aquatic attackers.
In this picture, I find it rather funny, george bush says hes here for the people, but is selfish in the end, not really a good leader, I'm glad theirs someone new to lead the country.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Common Weather Folklore and Proverbs

1. When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle
2. Rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning
3. Halo around the sun or moon, rain or snow soon
4. A year of snow, a year of plenty
5. Clear moon, frost soon
6. Mare's tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails
7. A ring around the sun or moon, means rain or snow coming soon
8. When sea-gulls fly to land, a storm is at hand
9. A rainbow afternoon, Good weather coming soon
10. Three days rain will empty any sky

yes, this site seems pretty legit, it has all the proverbs and lore's, and they seem to be like a legitimate saying!

Meteorology and Weather Prediction

Difference ;
Satellite imagery- you will see cloud cover and the cloud types, but you won't see what's going on below them.
Radar- does exactly this, sending radio signals, that return if there is any precipitation in the area, so radar shows you where the precipitation is.

Radar Image ;

Satellite Image ;

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weather Forecasts



Their all different predictions because not everyone has the same thoughts on how its gonna be, also the weather patterns change a lot sometimes so one person could have the weather from a few days before, adn the other simply just a day before.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Category 3: Global Warming; What Can We Do ?

1. use less fertilizers ! we use to many fertilizers to make our crops grow faster and bigger, the farmers that use the fertilizers should realize that its potenitally hurting the earth in the long run, especially when you over use the fertilizers

2. Plant a tree! it may not seem like were effecting the global warming, but if we all contribute in planting trees, we could easily dent the process of the global warming getting to carried away!


3. Use a push mower, you could use your body , instead of wasting our fossil fuels and harming the ozone!

4. Ride your bike, it gives you physical activity while helping out reduce global warming.
5. Reuse Reduce Recycle. We can reuse the items that are reusable. Or recycle to create new items!
the items we litter are hurting out enviornment!

   6. Use less heat ! We use heat inside our house hold, but we use to much that doesnt need to be initially
 used. If your cold, grab a blanket! :D

7. turn your lights off ! People abuse the ability to have lights or simple electronics,
if your leaving the room turn the lights off.
8. Use your car less to reduce the exhaust fuems hurting the ozone!
9. Use less water over all. We use over 350 pounds of carbon dioxide every year. Conserve your water,
if you want a hot bath , run the water hot then turn it off then let it cool to the temperature you want. 
10. Change your light bulbs ! Change your incandescent light bulbs and replace them withcompact flourescent light bulbs because it burns less engergy and also help increase energy efficiency.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Category 3: Global Warming ; Effects of Global Warming

Youtube Video :

Pictures of Arctic:
; As you can see the temperatures from the global warming are melting the glacers/ice.

The temperatures are acceletating at a high pase , the green house gases have tripled which is putting the glacers and animals at stake. the year 2030 there has been a theory that all glacers will be gone

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Category 3: Global Warming; Global Warming Defined

Definition - an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.
As you can see in the graph, from the late 1800's - late 1900's the graph results aren't a severe problem,but as the later 1900's to the 2000's you can see the graph results are increasing severely.

The future if we don't take action towards global warming is the resources we have will slowly turn on us making the globe not such a beautiful place to be, the greenhouse gases are slowly ruining the enviornment and putting our earth at risk and harm.

That man kind is a big contribution to how the global warming and resources are being abused.

In the cartoon it's explaining that people dont take it seriously that the earth is slowly decaying from our own mistakes. Also how people don't take action to the case of global warming.

It explains or the moral of the cartoon is that the oil is being terribly misused, and that in real cases it should be used more wisely.

* jumped a category to finish the easy ones first! *

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Atmosphere

The atmosphere is divided into 6 parts ;
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere
As you can see in the picture above , it shows the different layers of the atmosphere , starting with the troposphere and so on doing upwards. I'm going to put a few facts about the different parts of the atmosphere below.

Troposphere- contains 80% of the atmosphere's mass
Stratopshere- the stratosphere has the temperature of −3 Celsius ( C ) or 29.6 Fahrenheit ( F )
Mesosphere- Mesosphere is the middle layer of the atmosphere, in the higher Mesosphere the temperature is −100 Celsius ( C ) in the higher mesophere
Thermosphere- It's usually about 200 C hotter in the daytime than at night, and roughly 500 C
hotter when the Sun is very active.
Exosphere- The exosphere is the easier layer, no problems to go through, and highly easy to get
 through the layer without getting in any collisions

Ozone Layer- The ozone layer is the protective layer over the earth that takes most of the suns UV rays, the
 ozone layer obsorbs 97-98% of the rays, but the ozone layer is slowly getting destroyed ;

The reasons that the ozone layer is being harmed is because of the fuems being put into the atmosphere
such as CFC's. CFC is chlorofluorocarbons. It contains carbon, chlorine, and flourine. The way it harms
the ozone layer is that it's putting a hole in the ozone, making the wave weaker then it should be. In the diagram above it shows " Strong Long Wave " and " Weak Long Wave ". As you can see , the CFC is harming the atmosphere

Monday, February 27, 2012

Weather and Climate

Weather -the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure,
Climate- the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.

There's many of people who care about weather such as ;
Farmers- They need rain, sun, etc. for their crops to grow.
Professional Snow boarders- they need the snow to shred down the hills!