Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stories of Global Warming

Site where i read about global warming -

I dont know if this is real or not but it just shows how the glaciers are melting, and we're the cause of this, we could easily prevent this situation.
In this picture it just shows how we're polluting our own enviornment. People complain but really we're the main reason this is happening through everyday things we do, driving, work, everything.
In this picture, it shows the polar bear just chillin' on the ice glacier where its just water in the background, nothing else. It shows that the glaciers are slowly starting to melt leading to most animals in the artic, etc to die, or get eaten by the aquatic attackers.
In this picture, I find it rather funny, george bush says hes here for the people, but is selfish in the end, not really a good leader, I'm glad theirs someone new to lead the country.

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