Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Atmosphere

The atmosphere is divided into 6 parts ;
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere
As you can see in the picture above , it shows the different layers of the atmosphere , starting with the troposphere and so on doing upwards. I'm going to put a few facts about the different parts of the atmosphere below.

Troposphere- contains 80% of the atmosphere's mass
Stratopshere- the stratosphere has the temperature of −3 Celsius ( C ) or 29.6 Fahrenheit ( F )
Mesosphere- Mesosphere is the middle layer of the atmosphere, in the higher Mesosphere the temperature is −100 Celsius ( C ) in the higher mesophere
Thermosphere- It's usually about 200 C hotter in the daytime than at night, and roughly 500 C
hotter when the Sun is very active.
Exosphere- The exosphere is the easier layer, no problems to go through, and highly easy to get
 through the layer without getting in any collisions

Ozone Layer- The ozone layer is the protective layer over the earth that takes most of the suns UV rays, the
 ozone layer obsorbs 97-98% of the rays, but the ozone layer is slowly getting destroyed ;

The reasons that the ozone layer is being harmed is because of the fuems being put into the atmosphere
such as CFC's. CFC is chlorofluorocarbons. It contains carbon, chlorine, and flourine. The way it harms
the ozone layer is that it's putting a hole in the ozone, making the wave weaker then it should be. In the diagram above it shows " Strong Long Wave " and " Weak Long Wave ". As you can see , the CFC is harming the atmosphere

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